
Friday, August 15, 2014

Russian hardware spotted approaching and crossing Ukrainian border.

With a bunch of journalists checking the Humanitarian (R)aid Convoy, they are able to spot a lot of Russian hardware approaching the Ukrainian border as well.

Here is an overview of what they see.

All this happens at this crossroad, the exit towards Russian Donetsk and Izvarino border crossing which is in Russian control.

In Google Streetview you can recognize the buildings:

Link to Google maps.

This is how they crossed the border the past month, so that's how they will likely do it now too:

These are two of the elements of the BUK-system. The TELAR (or 'launcher'; same that shot down MH17) and the LLV ( or 'loader').

Where else do they go?
That is the BUK command centre.

That's the BUK radar

Meanwhile these fresh units are spotted in Donetsk by a webcam:

UPDATE 16-8 

Russia now has an ENTIRE BUK-system transported to Ukraine:

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